Kamis, 03 Juli 2014

What I watched and noted from Google I/O 2014

My App Progress blog's take on Google I/O 2014.

My "live" blog of #io14.

Here's a document that gives a summary of what was announced. This results from
not only my own viewing, but compiling what was talked about across many sources.

Below are the videos I actually watched with ratings and notes.

Must See:


Polymer and the Web Components revolution

Polymer and Web Components change everything you know about Web development

Unlock the next era of UI development with Polymer

Polymer: Creating responsive UIs

Developing across Devices - Chrome DevTools in 2014
Very important information, so-so presentation.

What's new in Android

Material witness: How Android material applications work
This is MD for Android.
(I'm sure there are many more Android must see's but I'm not really interested.)


Maps Made Easier: GeoJSON in the Maps API


Fabulous Forms for the multi-device web
This one really ought to be in the Must See/Good category, but the puppet is more than annoying and makes it difficult to understand the material. Worse, it refers to users as "monsters". As a long time Unix/Linux systems admin/programmer... I abhorred the community referring to users as "lusers" (pronounced "losers"). "Monster" is perhaps even more abhorrent - even though here I'm sure it was meant in fun.

The ART runtime

Casting to the future

Didn't Like:

Building node.js applications with App Engine and Custom Runtimes
Why? Not much information about an App Engine feature that barely exists.
Containerizing the Cloud with Docker on Google Cloud Platform
This one is more detailed. But why do I want to complicate Docker with Google? Why would I run node.js on Google, when Joyent specializes in it?

How we built Chrome Dev Editor with the Chrome platform

  1. They make it look like they are developing that quickly... it's easy to hook up components that you've already created.
  2. Actually use the Chrome Dev Editor to create a hello world Dart app... it is hideous. Slow and bloated. The truth is that CDE is the clearest example I've seen that Dart is not ready for building real world applications.
Why? I find the arm twisting of users to use apps in the search results to be one the most obnoxious things Google has done. Android apps have far more access to your information than web pages do... this will only lead to abuse. One also has to wonder what's in this for Google.

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