Kamis, 08 Desember 2011



SEO (Search Engine Optimization) when I have started blogging I did not believe in SEO but one day I was reading an article on SearchEngineLand that SEO can change your visitors ratio easily
That's why I have started working with this alone because I did not have that much money that I can hire any SEO agency that's why I had learned it and I am learning now even
Because it is not a story it is a daily changing strategy but still there are somethings on SEO FRIENDLY those are always work
I will share with you in this article about those tips for you that's why you can drive more traffic to your blog

1). Add META TAG for your BLOG
Yes this is the old is gold method to get few more visitors to your blog here are those steps to add Meta Description to your blogspot blog
Go to blogger.com<Log in< Click on the blog on which blog you wanna add this Tag <Click on Template then you will see two options over there one is Customize and another one is Edit HTML
Now do the final steps click on "Edit HTML"
Then a popup window will open now find the below script

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>

You don't need to go any where just find on the same window you can find easily
Now copy paste the code below as I have given below

<meta content='Trik SEO buat BLOG | Affiliate Programs SEO | Advertising Network | Blogging Tips | Traffic |
 High Page Rank' name='description'/>

The tags I have used here because my blog is having content related these tags that's why I have Added these
You must add tags according to your blog content then only you will see the difference how your blog visitors will get increase dramatically

2).Add Meta Keywords of Your Blog
This is more simple don't go any where from the page just copy paste the below code just after the the above code you have pasted

<meta content='Blogger Tips | Affiliate Networks | Advertising | Traffic | Make Money | High Page Rank | Trick SEO for BLOGSPOT' name='keywords'/>

Again do the same add tags according to your blog content but after all these add the closing tag that is


See the preview of your template now click on "Save Template"

3). Adding Your Blog to Yahoo|Google|Bing
If you are new to blogging world then may be your blog not get index on Yahoo -GoogleBing then you must submit your blog to these search engines get benefit of above two steps
Yes but how would you come to know that your blog is get index on the search engines or not actually there are many ways to come to know but I have written an article on this topic that how could you come to know about how many pages your blog index on the search engines.
How to Know How Many Your Blog Pages Indexed on Google | Yahoo | Bing
First check if you are finding results of your blog then you don't need to submit you just need to write an article often to become a money making blogger
How to Submit Your Blog to Google - Yahoo - Bing for Free.

4). SignUp with Blogspot
As I told always to bloggers to sign up with bloggers.com and get unlimited benefit from this website for free
Don't forget to start Talk on this website If you did not Sign Up yet then go for it.

5).Concentrate On Title
In blogging title of the post play important how? let me explain people search on search engine then they got results right.
They got results according to what they are searching right if you will give title name of your post exactly people are searching then I am sure you will get more visitors.
I have written an article to know what people are searching must read this article how to Find What People are Searching For on Search Engine

6). Add Widget Alexa Rank for your Blog
On Alexa.com:  Log into your ALEXA account.
Go to http://www.alexa.com/siteowners/claim and enter your site URL Select the Intro plan if all you want to do is claim your site.You should use "Option 2: Add your Alexa verification ID to the home page of your site" Copy your verification ID leave this window or tab open.
On your Ning site: Log in to Ning and go to your Dashboard page.
Click on "Network Details" in the "Settings" section of the sidebar.
Add your Verification ID as one of the keywords.
Click the "Save" button.(Your verification ID will be in a tag like this on your site:<meta name="keywords"content="plants bikes cows-AsfaZcy_qkJKdS4FBHYfG3bgktU " /> )
On Alexa.com: Go back to Alexa and press the "Verify my ID" button.

Thank you very much TIPS AGAR BLOG SEO FRIENDLY.

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