Keyword research and acquiring keyword stats is a very important factor when finding those elusive niches for your webpages. If you neglect to do so, you may be missing out on some valuable Google "real estate", and end up unfound on the backpages of Google. Thankfully, acquiring keyword stats does not need to be time-consuming or difficult! There are many different keyword analysis tools out there which offer differing amounts of data. One of the top keyword research tools, "Market Samurai", offers data for several different variables. These factors are broken down into four categories: Organic, AdWords, Competition, and Commerciality.
Total Searches- the average number of searches the keyword or keyword phrase gets on a daily basis. This is definitely one of the more important factors when choosing a keyword. What is the minimum amount of searches per day you should strive for? That all depends on who you ask and what your niche is. I personally set the daily minimum to at least 25 searches a day.
This stat correlates closely with the Total Searches result. It's defined as the daily clicks the #1 site could expect to receive for that chosen keyword.
Phrase-to-Broad- For the most part, the higher this is, the better. It's the chance your site will come up when a broader term is searched for. I would set the minimum of this to 15%. If it's under that, it may be a questionable term.
Trends - Has the traffic for your keyword increased or decreased over the past few months? Check out the "trend" bar-graph to find out.
This system also has comprehensive data for the pay-per-click advertiser.
AdWords Traffic - The total number of clicks the #1 advertiser could expect to get for the potential keyword.
AdWords Click-Thru-Rate - The percentage of people who click on the #1 ranked advertisement in Google, as a percentage of total traffic, for a potential keyword.
AdWords CPC - The amount you would expect to pay if you were the #1 advertiser for the potential keyword.
SEO Competition - Easily one of the most important factors when choosing a keyword. It's the amount of competing web pages that use the same keyword or keyword phrase in their website. Generally, I look for SEO competition under 30,000.
Title Competition - The number of webpages that have the chosen keyword in the title of the page/post.
URL Competition - The number of websites that have the phrase or term included in their URL.
Title/Comp - The ratio of Title Competition to SEO COMPETITION A keyword with a lower percentage here can indicate a weak market.
AdWords Competition - Represents the number of marketers bidding on a keyword.
They give you this information because it's important! Be sure in include your targeted keyword phrase in YOUR title and URL.
OCI - an indicator of the chances that someone searching for a keyword is looking to buy, opposed to just browse, for information. (E.g. "running shoes" have a 88% rating compared to 16% for "how to run fast")
AdWords Value - The total daily cost a #1 ranked Google AdWords advertiser might expect to receive if advertising for a keyword.
SEO Value (SEOV) - The total daily value of traffic that a web-site ranked #1 in Google for a keyword could potentially achieve.
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